Bernard Collaery’s case threatens freedom of expression

Bernard Collaery’s case threatens freedom of expression

Professor Zifcak says: The real problem for Witness K and Collaery is that section 39 of the Intelligence Services Act has no public interest defence, in other words, they can’t argue that disclosing the confidential information was done in the public interest, and...

Senate Select Committee on COVID-19. ART Submission

Senate Select Committee on COVID-19. ART Submission

This submission to the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 was made by Accountability Round table on 27 May 2020. It addresses the absence of independent scrutiny of government actions during the period of the Covid19 crisis. In particular, the exclusion of...

Petitions to the House of Reps and the Senate

Petitions to the House of Reps and the Senate

ART Media  |  ART launches petitions calling on all Australian Parliaments to sit through the Covid-19 crisis The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in the greatest expansion of executive power in generations. Yet the evidence supporting these powers and the decisions...

A Government’s first duty is to protect its citizens – a letter

A Government’s first duty is to protect its citizens – a letter

David Harper, Former Supreme Court Judge and now Secretary and Director of ART writes to his local Federal member,The Hon Michael Sukkar, Assistant Treasurer. We should all do this.... ____________________________________ Dear Michael, Drought, hot weather and...

Realities of Open Government Workshop, 12 Feb 2020, 1.30-4.30pm

Realities of Open Government Workshop, 12 Feb 2020, 1.30-4.30pm

 Open Government Workshop, 12 Feb 2020, 1.30-4.30pm  Interested in government transparency, accountability and how to power public participation? You are invited to a workshop to hear about open government and to share your ideas. Keynote speakers are * Daniel Stewart...

ART Integrity Awards for 45th Parliament

ART Integrity Awards for 45th Parliament

Accountability Round Table Integrity AwardsOn 15th October 2019, ART welcomed two outstanding recipients of its awards for conspicuous integrity in the 45th Parliament: – The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Tony Smith MP, received the John Button Award –...

Whose side are politicians really on?

Whose side are politicians really on?

Colleen Lewis, Accountability Round Table member, has an opinion piece in the Sunday Age on whose side politicians are on when they act out of self interest or otherwise not in the public interest. The full article was published in the Sunday Age here. Opinion Whose...

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