Accountability and the Rule of Law – ART workshop, 21 July, 6.15 pm

Accountability and the Rule of Law – ART workshop, 21 July, 6.15 pm

This event is co-sponsored by Accountability Round Table and Deakin University. Accountability and the Rule of Law. Government Accountability and the Rule of Law are two fundamental features of liberal democracy, recently lauded by Prime Minister Morrison. As the name...

Why should we tolerate self-serving politicians?

Why should we tolerate self-serving politicians?

Dr Colleen Lewis, ANU, writes in the Canberra Times this week: The time has come for hypocritical and self-serving political decision-making to cease. For too long our members of Parliament have either made themselves the exception to the rules they impose on others,...

Rorts register

Rorts register

The Accountability Round Table has developed a register of notable recent rorts or alleged rorts at Federal and State level. We define a rort as ‘any arrangement or practice that enables, or results in, the misuse of public resources, assets or powers for personal or...

Integrity Bill workshop

Integrity Bill workshop

This Workshop on 29 January is your opportunity to contribute to ART’s submission on the Commonwealth Integrity Commission Bill (CIC) to the Attorney-General’s Department. The workshop is your opportunity to contribute to ART's submission on the Commonwealth Integrity...

Accountability in crisis

Accountability in crisis

2020 AGM address by Chair, Fiona McLeod, AO SC In the interests of transparency, I must begin with a disclosure. Before my engagement with the Open government partnership and ART (and for a time Transparency International Australia) I had very limited exposure - I...

Witness K and Bernard Collaery

Witness K and Bernard Collaery

An unjust prosecution gets even worse, Spencer Zifcak The prosecution of former ACT Attorney-General, Bernard Collaery, and his client, Witness K, continues to play itself out before the ACT Supreme Court. This is a legal fiasco of the first order. The prosecution...

Premier Berejiklian; ‘I don’t need to know’, not good enough

Premier Berejiklian; ‘I don’t need to know’, not good enough

On ABC Radio National this morning ART Chair, Fiona McLeod SC, said: That statement - I don’t need to know - does suggest she [Gladys Berejiklian] is seeking to distance herself from information that might compromise her and the problem is that when politicians do...

Our AGM – 21 Oct

Our AGM – 21 Oct

The Accountability Round Table will hold its AGM on Wednesday 21 October - 5 pm for ART members and 5.30 pm for those who would like to join for the address by ART Chair, Fiona McLeod SC AO. She will give us her insights on: Accountability in a time of crisis. The...

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