Sophie Torney joins Board

Sophie Torney joins Board

Welcome Sophie Torney to the Board! Sophie is a project manager, was co-founder of tech co, bwired, independent candidate in 2022 state election and is Exec of Electrify Boroondara.

Open Government: never more needed!

Open Government: never more needed!

Background: The aim of this event was to raise public awareness and encourage participation in Australia’s membership of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), executed through Australia’s multi-stakeholder forum, the Open Government Forum (OGF). The event was a...

Australia Day: a long perspective by Barry Jones

Australia Day: a long perspective by Barry Jones

Australia Day 65,000 BCE, 1788 CE and 2023: a long perspective. 65,000 BCE Homo sapiens first arrived in Australia about 65,000 years before ‘the common era’, or BCE. We cannot pin down a specific day for their arrival. We don’t use the abbreviations AD or BC of the...

IBAC Report should be a game-changer

IBAC Report should be a game-changer

Premier urged to take up IBAC recommendations in full including re-zoning decisions from local government to the state, otherwise corrupt planning processes will continue.

IBAC finds improper influence

IBAC finds improper influence

"IBAC’s Operation Daintree special report highlights how improper influence compromised the procurement process for a $1.2 million contract awarded to a union-established training group and compromised the management of the contract. The report reveals a range of...

Open Government Week May 8-12

Open Government Week May 8-12

Open Government Week 2023 will be used globally to develop and implement the OGP’s new five-year strategy that seeks to expand and empower the community, making open government the norm across all levels and branches of government, and becoming a hub of stories and...

National Anti-corruption Bill – ART’s response

National Anti-corruption Bill – ART’s response

The Accountability Round Table welcomes the introduction of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill and acknowledges this as a breakthrough moment for integrity and accountability of our national government. The Bill provides for the creation of a powerful...

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