Cairns Tropical Writers Festival – Tim Smith on “Democracy at the Crossroads?”
This paper, “Democracy at the Crossroads?” was delivered by Hon Tim Smith QC at the Cairn’s Tropical Writers Festival, 11 August 2016. In it, he sets out two broad principles to which members of parliament should adhere, The “Fitzgerald Principles” and The "Public...
Election 2016 – Political campaign finance reform
The public office, public, trust principle Parties are like football clubs – no matter how much money they get, they will spend it and then want more. Former Victorian Premier, John Cain, Oct 2006 Australia’s federal electoral system has few constraints on donations...
Vale The Hon Jim Carlton, AO, ART director
The Accountability Round Table mourns the passing of The Honorable Jim Carlton, AO. Jim died suddenly on Christmas Eve, after spending the day with his family. Jim was a vigorous and engaged director of the Accountability Round Table, constant in fighting for...
Barry Jones on Democracy in Australia – Two Papers
Barry Jones, a longstanding member of Accountability Round Table has written two papers on the state of democracy in Australia from two different perspectives. These provide a context for openness and accountability in Australian government and public institutions....
The Justification of George Brandis to the International Commission of Jurists on OAIC
George Brandis may not have answered our letter to him concerning the defunding of the OAIC with anything other than the justification of efficiency, arguing that abolition of the OAIC is "consistent with its policy to reduce the size of government and streamline the...
ART launches 2016 election platforms
The Accountability Round Table today (Tues 14 June) asked political parties and candidates to commit to measures to improve the integrity and accountability of government. Chair of ART, Tim Smith QC, former Supreme Court Judge said The Commonwealth Government...
Rule of Law – Undermined
A number of people are very concerned at the undermining of judicial independence that is the effect of the new terrorism laws, including Spencer Zifcak. Spencer Zifcak is a member of ART, as well as Allan Myers Professor of Law and Director of Research at the Academy...
IBAC to get beefed-up powers
In a move long awaited by ART, the Government announced on 29 November 2015 that Victorian IBAC watchdog is finally to get the necessary teeth to investigate MPs, judges and public servants with legislation to be presented in the December sittings. ART members have...
“Buying Power” – Audio of the ICAN event
Here are audio files of the three speakers at the recent "Buying power" ICAN event on the many negative effects of political donations on political decision making. Mr Royce Millar is a Fairfax investigative journalist with a special interest in public policy and...
Do we have a corruption problem in Victoria?
Recently ART has written to the Special Minister of State, the Hon. Gavin Jennings, to explore the question, "Do we have a corruption problem in Victoria?" This question has not been explored for some time. Corruption is an ever present threat, especially where large...