Accountability and the Rule of Law – ART Workshop

Online using Zoom

This event is co-sponsored by Accountability Round Table and Deakin University. Accountability and the Rule of Law Government Accountability and the Rule of Law are two fundamental features of liberal democracy, recently lauded by Prime Minister Morrison. As the name Accountability Round Table suggests, ART aims to strengthen Australia’s liberal democracy by promoting the rule […]

Launch of ART’s Position Paper: Integrity Now! Registration open

Zoom , Australia

Launch of ART's Position Paper: Integrity Now! The Rule of Law, Accountability and Public Trust 6:00pm 8th December 2021 This will be a Zoom event. Register here Speakers: Launch Speaker: The Honourable Malcolm Turnbull AC, Former Australian Prime Minister Respondent: Professor Charles Sampford, Director Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law, Griffith University What should the […]

ART Integrity Awards for the 46th Parliament

Livestreaming and in person Parliament House, Canberra, ACT, Australia

You are cordially invited to the presentation of the Accountability Round Table Integrity Awards, in person at the Australasian Parliament House in Canberra  or to follow the livestream online. In person. Register here by midday on Tuesday 30th Aug to attend in person. Registrations to provide you with a pass, cannot be accepted after this […]

Open Government – never more needed

Drill Hall, 26 Therry Street, Melbourne

After many years of discussion, Australia will soon have a federal anti-corruption commission. In a nation generally seen as one of the less corrupt, and more transparent and democratic countries in the world, what other opportunities and challenges for reform exist? What lessons can we learn from backsliding in other countries? How can we safeguard […]