On 23 July 2019, the Senate referred an inquiry into press freedom to the Environment and Communications References Committee for report by 4 December 2019. On 28 April 2021 the Senate grant an extension of time to report until 19 May 2021.
Preparation for 'Accountability and the Rule of Law' document
Referred to committee for inquiry 7 October, Reporting date 31 May 2021
Australian Governments are encouraging us to provide more and more personal data to be centrally stored and used by it to provide us with its services. The data we supply to government is also collected from us without our explicit knowledge. It might come from our clicks on government websites, or from cameras on roads […]
This event is co-sponsored by Accountability Round Table and Deakin University. Accountability and the Rule of Law Government Accountability and the Rule of Law are two fundamental features of liberal democracy, recently lauded by Prime Minister Morrison. As the name Accountability Round Table suggests, ART aims to strengthen Australia’s liberal democracy by promoting the rule […]
Have we developed a tolerance for politicians treating the public purse as a resource for maintaining their own party in power? Does no one mind that individual MPs benefit from using their position for personal gain? Or is it just a one-day wonder in the news? Propping all this up are the porkies that politicians […]
Launch of ART's Position Paper: Integrity Now! The Rule of Law, Accountability and Public Trust 6:00pm 8th December 2021 This will be a Zoom event. Register here Speakers: Launch Speaker: The Honourable Malcolm Turnbull AC, Former Australian Prime Minister Respondent: Professor Charles Sampford, Director Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law, Griffith University What should the […]