This event is co-sponsored by Accountability Round Table and Deakin University.
Government Accountability and the Rule of Law are two fundamental features of liberal democracy, recently lauded by Prime Minister Morrison. As the name Accountability Round Table suggests, ART aims to strengthen Australia’s liberal democracy by promoting the rule of law and its effectiveness through accountability for government decisions and actions.This event will explore the real meaning of “Rule of Law”.
Speakers: Shadow Minister for Government Accountability, Senator the Hon Kristina Keneally and former Liberal Party Leader, Dr John Hewson.
When: 6.15 pm AEST Wednesday 21st July 2021
Online : via Zoom REGISTER HERE Please login before 6.15 pm. (Link sent on registration.)
Your chance to contribute. Your views will be valuable input to ART’s important publication – Accountability & the Rule of Law .
The draft will be discussed at the Workshop by guest speakers and Workshop participants.
A link to a draft of Accountability & the Rule of Law will be circulated by email before the workshop. The document will be completed with your input, made public and sent to political leaders following the Workshop.