by jmsthornton | Mar 10, 2016 | Federal Government, Ombudsman, Submissions, Whistleblowing
Whistleblower protection in the Public Service is covered by the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act). The PID Act came into operation in January 2014 to encourage public officials to disclose suspected wrongdoing in the Commonwealth public sector. The...
by jmsthornton | Feb 15, 2016 | Corruption, IBAC, Reforms, Submissions, Victoria, Victorian Government Integrity System Reform
In January, Accountability Round Table made a submission to The Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Committee. This committee is a joint investigatory committee of the Parliament of Victoria and has a number of functions including monitoring, reviewing...
by jmsthornton | Sep 6, 2015 | IBAC, Submissions, Victoria, Victorian Government Integrity System Reform
ART has recently made a previous submission to the Victorian Government Do we have a corruption problem in Victoria? The submission below is our second on the subject of Victorian Government Integrity System Reform (see category at right). Our letter to Gavin Jennings...
by jmsthornton | Aug 4, 2015 | Code of Conduct, Corruption, IBAC, News, Submissions, Victoria, Victorian Government Integrity System Reform
Recently ART has written to the Special Minister of State, the Hon. Gavin Jennings, to explore the question, “Do we have a corruption problem in Victoria?” This question has not been explored for some time. Corruption is an ever present threat, especially...
by jmsthornton | Apr 22, 2015 | Queensland, Submissions
ART, via David Solomon, Chair, Queensland Committee of the Accountability Round Table, has made a submission to the Inquiry into the Parliament of Queensland and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2015. The website of the Queensland Inquiry best explains the context. “On...
by jmsthornton | Nov 27, 2014 | ART Publications, Federal Government, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Open Government, Submissions
Accountability Round Table is a proponent of strong Freedom of Information provisions at every level of government. We were concerned at the apparent watering down of FOI provisions at the Federal level by amendment to the Freedom of Information Act. The Bill in...