by jmsthornton | Nov 18, 2016 | Federal Government, News, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Open Government, Open Government Partnership (OGP)
OGP – NATIONAL ACTION PLAN – RECOGNISING THE ROLE OF THE OAIC This first submission from Accountability Round Table suggesting changes to the Open Government Partnership Draft National Action Plan addresses the role, overlooked in the National Action Plan,...
by jmsthornton | Nov 14, 2016 | Auditor General, Freedom of Information, News, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Submissions
The Accountability Round Table continues to be concerned about the reduced state of the Federal Freedom of Information Act and its implementation. The role of the freedom of information Commissioner remains vacant and has been vacant for some 22 months. The submission...
by jmsthornton | Oct 19, 2016 | Federal Government, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Peter Timmins’ most recent post to the Open Government Partnership civil society network page reveals that the Australian Government will commit to a series of reforms to accountability and transparency before the end of 2016. The OGP Civil Society page can be...
by jmsthornton | Oct 19, 2016 | Federal Government, Freedom of Information, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
The Accountability Round Table has long been concerned about the reduced state of the Federal Freedom of Information Act and its implementation. The submission below, and its covering letter addresses part of our concern in drawing attention to the administration of...
by Lyn Allison | Jun 28, 2016 | Corruption, Election 2016, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Open Government Partnership (OGP)
ART is disappointed in the response from the ALP and Coalition to its survey on accountability measures. It seems very unlikely, whichever party (or parties) forms government, that the next Federal Government will be willing to take on the reforms necessary to deliver...
by jmsthornton | Jun 14, 2016 | Election 2016, Federal Government, Freedom of Information, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
The OAIC – The effect of the Government 2016-7 Budget An ART background paper to the election commitments sought by ART from all parties prior to the the July 2nd Federal Election June 2016 Introduction Over the last two years the Government failed in its attempt to...