Victorian By-election 2012

Victorian By-election 2012

Reform of IBAC legislation Requests to Parties 5 attachments, one attachment, being a response from the Greens and one attachment, being the response from the ALP. Download attachments Letter Hon Daniel Andrews Letter Mr Greg Barber IBAC commitment letter July 2012...


The Accountability Round Table is a non-partisan group of citizens with diverse backgrounds (journalists, lawyers, academics, former politicians and judges) and extensive experience in parliament, government and the courts. The Round Table is dedicated to improving...
Corruption watchdog ‘muzzled’

Corruption watchdog ‘muzzled’

THE Baillieu government is under pressure to rethink its anti-corruption commission after one of its key advisers accused it of muzzling the body and ”extracting its teeth”. Melissa Fyfe and Royce Millar explain why in an article in “The Age”....