by Lyn Allison | Feb 3, 2025 | Corruption, News
Democratic government is founded on the idea that decisions of government should reflect the will of those people eligible to vote and to vote, you must be a citizen of Australia and a resident in the electorate in which you are voting. It is people not corporations,...
by Lyn Allison | Sep 28, 2022 | Corruption, Media, National Integrity Commission, News
The Accountability Round Table welcomes the introduction of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill and acknowledges this as a breakthrough moment for integrity and accountability of our national government. The Bill provides for the creation of a powerful...
by jmsthornton | Feb 11, 2022 | Corruption, National Integrity Commission, News
This article by Stephen Charles first appeared in the Saturday Paper of February 5 — 11, 2022 | No. 385 Thanks to Erik Jensen of the Saturday Paper for permission to republish. Stephen Charles is a retired judge of the Victorian Court of Appeal and a member of the...
by Lyn Allison | Dec 2, 2021 | Corruption, News
In Australia, corruption spends public funds in pursuit of power, rewards favour, and strips support from worthy programs. It silences journalists and those charged with upholding standards of integrity by depriving them of funding. Corruption rewards loyalty through...
by Lyn Allison | Apr 23, 2021 | Corruption, Federal, Governance, National Integrity Commission, News
Dr Colleen Lewis, ANU, writes in the Canberra Times this week: The time has come for hypocritical and self-serving political decision-making to cease. For too long our members of Parliament have either made themselves the exception to the rules they impose on others,...
by Lyn Allison | Apr 1, 2021 | Corruption, News
The Accountability Round Table has developed a register of notable recent rorts or alleged rorts at Federal and State level. We define a rort as ‘any arrangement or practice that enables, or results in, the misuse of public resources, assets or powers for personal or...