by ActionSkills | Aug 27, 2010 | ART Publications, Code of Conduct, Freedom of Information, McMullan Principle, Ministerial Responsibility, Reforms
The minimum actions to restore Parliamentary integrity Action to restore open and accountable government at a Federal level 1. Parliamentary reform a) Independent presiding officers in both houses b) Reforms to question time to enable it to function as part of...
by ActionSkills | Aug 27, 2010 | ART Publications, Corruption, Lobbying, Political Advertising, Political Funding
The Anticorruption reforms that ART would like to see The risks of corruption have been increased by: the on going increase in government control of information; the ever-increasing need for funding of political campaigns; the methods employed to obtain it and the... by ActionSkills | Aug 27, 2010 | ART Publications, Political Funding, Reforms
The reforms to political donations that ART would like to see The Accountability Round Table’s starting premise is that the cost of election campaigns should be borne entirely by the State. The level of private funding from the business community for particular...
by jmsthornton | Jun 15, 2010 | ART Publications, Corruption
Corruption: The Abuse of Entrusted Power in Australia by Tim Smith (2010) This work by Tim Smith for the Australian Collaboration (a consortium of National Community organisations) sets out the parameters of Australia’s problems with corruption. In Corruption:...
by ActionSkills | Mar 10, 2010 | ART Publications, Submissions
November 2006 The Victorian Legislative Council, which will be reformed with effect from the general elections on 25 November 2006, has the potential to be a major instrument of accountability. This discussion paper canvasses a range of reforms and revisions affecting...
by ActionSkills | Oct 20, 2009 | ART Publications, Federal, Reforms, Submissions
February 2009 ACCOUNTABILITY ROUND TABLE Submission on Federal Electoral Reform Green Paper to Electoral Reform Secretariat Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Electoral funding may be inextricably linked to participatory democracy yet it can so easily be...