by jmsthornton | Sep 2, 2014 | IBAC, News
AND ANOTHER THING… Politics Why the silence from state MPs on IBAC deficiencies? Do they really think this matter isn’t important to voters? They are so wrong. Anne Mancini, Malvern Read more:
by jmsthornton | Aug 22, 2014 | New South Wales, Political Funding
The NSW Government has established a panel of experts to investigate the potential for further reforms to election funding laws. The panel members are Dr Kerry Schott (Chair), former Labor Deputy Premier The Hon. John Watkins and former Liberal Shadow Attorney General...
by jmsthornton | Aug 19, 2014 | ACLEI, Corruption, Federal, New South Wales, News, Political Funding, Trust in Government
There were a number of calls for a “Federal ICAC” or Federal Anti Corruption Commission on Monday August 18th 2014 . This is an idea that the Accountability Round Table strongly endorses. The Hon Stephen Charles, former Supreme Court Judge and member of...
by jmsthornton | Jul 24, 2014 | ART Publications, Public Trust, Trust in Government
Smith T 2014 Integrity in Politics? Public Office as a Public Trust? Is there Hope? Paper presented to the University of the Third Age, 23 July 2014 by the Hon. Tim Smith Q.C This paper addresses in more depth than Tim Smith’s 2012 paper, the idea that...
by jmsthornton | Jul 10, 2014 | Corruption, Election, Victoria
In an article for The Age, published July 11, 2014 Adjunct professor Colleen Lewis argues that the Victorian IBAC lacks teeth and cannot investigate matters that fall within the ambit of misconduct in public office. She calls for a clear promise from any party before...