Accountability Round Table Integrity Awards
On 15th October 2019, ART welcomed two outstanding recipients of its awards for conspicuous integrity in the 45th Parliament:

– The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Tony Smith MP, received the John Button Award
– Ms Cathy McGowan, AO, the former member for Indi, received the Alan Missen Award.

The Hon Kenneth Hayne AC, former justice of the High Court and Royal Commissioner to the Banking Royal Commission, congratulated the winners and spoke of the need for honesty and courage in political office, noting “that reasoned debate about issues of policy are now rare and that trust in all sorts of institutions, governmental and private, had been damaged or destroyed.”

The Chair of ART, Ms Fiona McLeod SC, said both recipients had shown great courage in their parliamentary roles.

“Mr Smith has been an outstanding example of an independent/non-partisan Speaker in the finest traditions of the office, and has done much to restore its standing in recent years. He showed great courage in standing up to the executive government and upholding the role of Parliament.”

“Ms McGowan’s commitment to reforms essential for open, accountable and transparent government has been exemplary. We recognise her commitment to those in her electorate, and her embrace of significant issues crucial to Australia’s Parliamentary democracy, in particular her work on the National Integrity Commission and parliamentary standards Bills.”

Kenneth Hayne speech
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