While it is good that the Government has finally made public its proposed changes to the current campaign finance system, the Accountability Round Table (ART), a longstanding advocate for improving public accountability in Australia, is concerned the changes will not achieve fair and balanced reform, but favour the major parties. 

Sophie Torney, Director and spokesperson for Campaign Finance, Accountability Round Table said

” ART proposes comprehensive campaign finance reforms to promote transparency, accountability and fairness.  A substantial reduction in overall campaign spending should be the main objective to ensure a fair and democratic electoral process. The Government’s proposals do not meet these criteria.”

Key Recommendations by ART – see https://www.accountabilityrt.org/campaign-finance-reform-art-policy/

  1. Abolish Public Funding

ART calls for the elimination of public funding for political parties and candidates. Removing public funding will prevent taxpayer money from disproportionately benefiting major parties and will encourage candidates to seek support directly from the electorate, leading to more accountable and grassroots focused campaigns.

  • Spending and Donation Caps to Ensure Fair Treatment New Candidates/Parties and Established Parties

ART proposes spending caps tailored to address the unequal starting points between major parties and new parties and independents. The caps must strike a balance between limiting spending and ensuring all candidates can communicate effectively with voters.

  • Real-time Disclosure of Donations, restricted to Eligible Voters and Democratically Governed Organisations

Donations should only come from eligible voters or organisations whose members have participated in a democratic decision-making process, and should be disclosed to the Australian Electoral Commission within 48 hours of being made.

ART Urges Proper Legislative Scrutiny

With the bill expected to be introduced this week, ART urges the government not to rush it through in the final session of Parliament. There must be adequate time for the Senate to examine the legislation thoroughly and for public submissions to be considered. 

Media Contact

Sophie Torney 0407 855 184

Director, Accountability Round Table

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